Qazi Abdul Samad
Resident Shariah Board Member (RSBM)
Qazi Abdul samad has completed Derse-e-Nizami from Rabita-ul-Madaris Mardan KPK, Shahadat-ul- Almiyyah from Rabita-ul-Madaris and LLB(Hons) Shariah Law from Islamic International University Islamabad. He has done MBA in finance from Abaseen University Peshawar. Moreover he has attended various national & international Islamic banking courses and delivered various trainings and lectures. He is affiliated with the bank of Khyber since 2005.

Muhammad Salahuddin Arif
Senior Vice President - Chief Internal Auditor, Internal Audit Group
Mr. Muhammad Salahuddin Arif has over 23 years of experience in finance, audit and management in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Mr. Arif is fellow member CIMA UK (FCMA UK) and Institute of Corporate Secretaries of Pakistan (FCIS). During his career in banking sector he has occupied key positions that include Head of Finance, Financial Controller and Acting CFO. Mr. Arif has extensive experience in management and has also served as member of board of directors in a renowned insurance company in Pakistan.

Manzar Habib
Vice President - I - Head, Information Security Division/ Chief Information Security Officer
The Professional career of Manzar Habib spans over 25 years in the field of Information Security and Information Technology in several different roles. He has spent about 15 years in Canada, majority of it in Information Security, working for prestigious organizations, such as IBM, HP, UHN, and TD Bank and holds MS degree in Computer Science along with several professional security trainings and industry certifications.
He has extensive experience in Information Security and IT Management in various industries, from Financial to Defense and Governments. His core areas of expertise include Information Security Management, Security Infrastructure Management, Information Security Compliance & Project Management and Policy & Process development and implementation.

Muhammad Maqbool
Acting Head, Law Division

Muhammad Ali
Senior Vice President - I - Head, General Services Division
Mr. Muhammad Ali has an extensive experience of over 31 years in the banking industry. During his career, he has worked in diverse areas like IT, finance, liabilities, branch banking, credit, corporate affairs and shares. He also remained on visiting faculty of different universities. He had worked in Islamic Investment Bank Ltd. on senior position before joining the Bank of Khyber.
He joined the Bank of Khyber as Head Shares and spearheaded the Initial Public Offering (IPO) of the Bank and the subsequent Right, Bonus and Cash Dividends in a professional manner by complying with all the applicable rules and regulations as per defined timelines. Apart from this, he also served as Assistant Company Secretary since 2008 on the Board of the Bank of Khyber before elevation to the post of Company Secretary prior to his current posting as Head General Sevices Division.
He holds Master degree in Business Administration and a Post Graduate Diploma in Islamic Banking & Finance. He has completed Stage I & II of JAIBP and is a Professional Banker.

Asif Naseem
Senior Vice President - Head, Consumer Finance Division
Mr. Asif Naseem Joined BOK in year 2015, his educational levels were completed from the renowned institutions of Peshawar; Graduation from Edwards College and MBA from Peshawar University. The professional career started in 1988 as officer in Habib Bank Ltd. After completing the basic banking training at Habib Bank Head Office Karachi, worked in different banking departments including the branch managerial job in foreign branches at Muscat Oman. Also holding Diploma from Institute of Bankers in Pakistan. Lastly handled the assignment of Regional GM Credit at HBL RHQ Peshawar. Presently working as Head of Retail Banking.

Tariq Masroor
Senior Vice President - Head, Credit Administration Division
Mr. Tariq Masroor has done MBA (Finance) from Peshawar University. Joined Bank of Khyber in July 1994 as Grade-II Officer. He has done DAIBP in 1995. During service, worked in Credit Department, Branch Banking & Recovery Division. Currently he has been posted as Head of Procurement Division.

Jawad Tajik
Senior Vice President - Head, Micro Finance Division
Mr. Jawad Tajik has been associated with the Bank of Khyber since 1997. Presently, he is performing his duties as Senior Vice President - I Head, Micro Finance Division. He has done MS in Marketing from Agriculture University, Peshawar. Besides this, he has also done a Post Graduate Diploma (PGD) in Islamic Banking & Finance from CIBE Huda.

Shabeer Ahmed
Senior Vice President – Head, Branch Banking Operations Division
Shabbir Ahmed started his banking career from HBL in 1994 as Officer Grade II. Later on after more than 15 years of service in HBL he joined BOK in April 2009 as AVP. In BOK he remained at various positions of different division’s i.e Compliance & Internal control division and Internal Audit. Recently he has been elevated to position of Senior Vice President - Head, Branch Banking Operations Division. Now he has been assigned the Officiating charge of Group Head, Operations & Support in addition to his own existing assignments.

Shahid Sultan
Senior Vice President - Head, SME Finance Division
Mr.Shahid Sultan Khan has done his MBA in Finance from University of Peshawar. His banking career is spanned over 19 years. He has been associated with The Bank of Khyber since start of his career. He joined the Bank of Khyber as Management Trainee Officer in 1997. During his career he has worked on various assignments in branch banking, Treasury & Investment Division, Finance Division, Credit Management Division. He has also remained Incharge Recovery & Special Asset Management. Currently he is working as Senior Vice President - I- Head, HR Administration & Management Division and is responsible for overall HR operations. He has done DAIBP and attended several professional training & courses in fields of his expertise.

Jawad Hassan Khan
Senior Vice President - I - Head, Alternate Delivery Channels Division
Mr. Jawad Hassan Khan joined Bank of Khyber on December 08, 2022, as Divisional Head - Alternate Delivery Channels.
Mr. Jawad has 24+ years of corporate experiences in different leading organizations. He began his career as Management Trainee in Reckon Technologies Islamabad, and later served Askari Bank Limited for 15 years, where he worked in different senior , mainly IT, Consumer and Digital Banking capacities including the role of Head of TAC, Head of PS and Head of ADC. Prior to joining Bank of Khyber, Mr. Jawad was Head of Alternate Delivery Channels at Askari Bank Limited, Mr. Jawad holds a master degree in Business Administration.

Nauman Qayum
Senior Vice President - Head, Corporate & Commercial Banking Division