Term Financing


Running Finance:

It is a short term fund-based facility provided to capital deficit businesses for a short term period, i.e. for a year or less. This facility is usually for businesses to run their day-to-day operations including payment of wages to employees, raw material/ inventory procurement and supplies.

Short Term Financing:

Short-term loans offer individuals and/or businesses borrowing options to meet its financial obligations scheduled to be repaid in a period less than a year.

Cash Finance:

It is a short term, fund-based facility where an amount is disbursed against pledge of locally procured goods, merchandise, stocks. The amount after retaining the prescribed percentage of margin on stocks is transferred in a separate C/F account of the customer. Delivery of pledged stocks is allowed against payment(s) by the borrower.

Running Finance against pledge of shares:

It is a short term, fund-based facility where an amount is disbursed against shares of listed companies held under pledge as collateral. This enables the borrower to avail financing to cater to his business needs.

Demand Finance:

It is a short term, fund-based facility where an amount is disbursed in bullet payment to cater to his business needs scheduled to be repaid in a period less than a year in lump sum or installments.

Medium /Long Term Financing:

Long-term loans offers, businesses borrowing options to meet financial obligations for capital expenditure, project financing, consortium lending, structured finance etc scheduled to be repaid in more than a year but not exceeding seven years preferably.

Demand Finance:

This facility can range from medium to long term. It is a fund based facility allowed to commercial enterprises, corporations, industrial groups or joint ventures for financing their capital expenditures or fixed assets like purchase of plant & equipment or machinery, construction of site premises, installation of machinery and fixtures, etc for expansion of production facilities or BMR.



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