Code of Conduct BOK Directors

Code of Conduct BOK Directors

I will conduct myself with the highest standards of ethics, professional integrity and dignity in all dealings with the public, clients, investors and employees of the Bank and not engage in acts discreditable to the Bank. If I become aware of any irregularity that might affect the interests of the Bank, I will inform the Board immediately. • I will avoid all such circumstances in which there is personal interest conflict, or may appear to be in conflict, with the interest of the Bank or its customers. • I shall not use my status to seek personal gain from those doing business or seeking to do business with BoK, nor accept such gain if offered. I shall not accept any gift, favour, entertainment or other benefit the size or frequency of which exceeds normal business contacts from a constituent or an employee of the Bank or from persons likely to have dealings with the Bank and candidates for employment in the Bank. • I shall not accept any benefit from the estate of, or a trust created by a customer, or from an estate or trust of which a Bank’s Company or business unit is an executor, administrator or trustee. • I will maintain the privacy and confidentiality of all the information acquired during the course of my Directorship and refrain from disclosing the same unless otherwise required by statutory authorities/law. All such information will remain as a trust and will only be used for the purpose for which it is intended and will not be used for the personal benefit of any individual(s). Inside information about Bank’s customers/affairs shall not be used by me for own gain, or for that of others either directly or indirectly. • I will not engage in Money Laundering and will be extremely vigilant in protecting BoK from being misused by anyone to launder money by strictly complying with “Know your customer” policies & procedures. • I will, as a personal responsibility safeguard both the tangible and intangible assets of BoK and its customer(s) that are under my personal control and will not use bank assets for my personal benefits except where permissible and customary. I will also not indulge in any of the following activities. • Borrow money from or in any way place myself under pecuniary obligation to broker or moneylender or a client or employee of the Bank or any firm or person having dealings with the Bank.

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