Minimum Initial Deposit Requirement:
- The account is opened with an amount of PKR 50,000/- as an Initial Deposit.
Minimum Monthly Balance Requirement:
- The minimum monthly balance requirement is PKR 100,000/-Monthly
Account Maintenance Charges:
- Flat charges are applied as per the latest SOBC where minimum monthly average balance is less than Rs: 100,000/-
Special Deposit Account Eligible Customers:
- Individual (Singly or Jointly)
- Individual Business
- Diplomat
- Sole Proprietorship
- Joint Stock Company (Public/ Private/ Listed/ Unlisted)
- Partnership Firm (Registered/ Unregistered)
- Government Organization (Federal/ Provincial)
- District Government/ Local Government Organization
- Trust/ Club/ Association/ Society/ Political Party/ Charity/ NGO/ NPO
- Public Sector Corporation/ Autonomous Body
Salient Features:
- This is a profit bearing and chequing account.
- Per Annum Profit of 10.50%.
- ADCs services are available.
- The profit is calculated on daily actual deposits basis.
- This Product is available in PKR only.
- Statement of Account will be issued semi-annually.
- Zakat will be deducted as per the applicable rules.
- Withholding tax is deducted from the profit as per the prevailing rates.