Pay Plus Current Acc…
Pay Plus current account is a rupee based current account designed spe…

Kamaal Plus Current…
Kamaal plus current account is a Rupee-based current account designed…

Foreign Currency Cur…
Foreign Currency Account (FCA) is a transactional account denominated…

BOK Current Account
Current Accounts are non-profit bearing accounts primarily meant for C…

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BOK Special Deposit…
Individual (Singly or Jointly) Individual Business Diplomat Sole Propr…

BOK Asaan Savings Ac…
This is a saving account for low risk/low income unbanked/underbanked…

BOK FCY Premium savi…
With BOK FCY Premium Savings Account, saving just got easier. Customer…

BOK Pensioner Accoun…
In pursuance of the Orders of the Supreme Court of Pakistan; Governmen…

BOK Bemisal Term Dep…
BOK Bemisal Term Deposit is a unique term deposit account offering Swi…

Be-baha Mahana Amdan
BOK Be-Baha Mahana Amdan is a medium term deposit that offers Financin…

Khyber Friendly Sche…
Nature of account is Long Term Deposit. Financing Facility will be ava…

Home Remittances Ser…
BOK is providing Home Remittance payments services all across Pakistan, with our 130+…

Home Remittance Prod…
BOK is providing Home Remittance services to valued customers in alliance with the…

BOK is providing Home Remittance services to valued customers in alliance with the…

Government Initiativ…
To overcome the soaring problems of unemployment and poverty, by foste…

Prime Minister’s Kam…
All men/women holding CNIC, aged between 21 and 45 years with entrepre…

Khud Kafalat Scheme
To overcome the massive unemployment resulting from the effect of Terr…

Khyber Karobar Suppo…
Provide easy and access to finance for initiation, promotion, expansio…

BOK Roshan Ghar Sche…
Permanent Employee, with minimum service history of 5 years. Age 22 to…

Mera Pakistan Mera G…
Mera Pakistan Mera Ghar is a low-cost housing scheme offering affordab…