
Title: Announcement for Tender No.14 of 2022
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
Tender.pdf281.97 KB 281.97 KB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Calculator for Premature Encashment of Certificates (RFCs and IMCs)
PDF Documents:
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Announcement for Tender No.13 of 2022
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Annoucement for Renwal Licenses of Fortigate Next Generation Firewal
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Announcement for Tender No.16 of 2022
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
Announcement for Tender No.16 of 2022 .pdf384.73 KB 384.73 KB
Original Tender Notice, Corrigendum.pdf137.73 KB 137.73 KB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Corrigendum Disposal of Commercial property Tender Notice 1 of 2022
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Disposal of Commercial property Tender Notice 1 of 2022
PDF Documents:
EXCEL Documents:
Title: BOK Tender Notice no.20 of 2022
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
tenter.pdf188.49 KB 188.49 KB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Calculator for Premature Encashment of Certificates (RFCs and IMCs)
PDF Documents:
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Announcement for cancellation of tender No 15 of 2022
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
announcement for tender 15 of 2022 cancellation.pdf200.29 KB 200.29 KB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: BOK Tender Notice no.16, 17, 18 & 19 of 2022
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
BOK Tender Notice no.16, 17, 18 & 19 of 2022.pdf99.39 KB 99.39 KB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Corrigendum for Tender Notice no.16, 17, 18 & 19 of 2022
PDF Documents:
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Calculator for Premature Encashment of Certificates (RFCs and IMCs) for the Month of October 2022.
PDF Documents:
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Tender Notice no.16, 17, 18 & 19 of 2022
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
Tender Notice no.16, 17, 18 & 19 of 2022.pdf374.04 KB 374.04 KB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Financial Information September 30, 2022
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
Financial Information 30 September 2022_0.pdf881.42 KB 881.42 KB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Calculator for Premature Encashment of Certificates (RFCs and IMCs) for the Month of September 2022.
PDF Documents:
EXCEL Documents:
Title: The Bank of Khyber, Tender Notices No.13, 14, 15 of 2022
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
Tender Notices.pdf286.12 KB 286.12 KB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Calculator for Premature Encashment of Certificates (RFCs and IMCs) for the Month of August 2022.
PDF Documents:
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Financial Information June 30, 2022
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
Financial Information June 30, 2022_1.pdf1.76 MB 1.76 MB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Calculator for Premature Encashment of Certificates (RFCs) after additional profit for the Month of April, May and June 2022.
PDF Documents:

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