
Title: Procurement Policy
PDF Documents:
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Latest Tender for Purchase of Hardware 2010 Last Date of Submission April 6th 2010
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
Tender for Purchase of Software.pdf93.86 KB 93.86 KB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Latest Tender for Purchase of Hardware 2010 Last Date of Submission April 6th 2010
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
Tender_for_Purchase_Of_Hardware_2010.pdf154.77 KB 154.77 KB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Latest Tender for Pre-Qualification 2010 Last Date for Submission March 25th 2010
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
Tender_for_the_prequalification_2010.pdf115.33 KB 115.33 KB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Latest Supplier Form
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Request for Proposal of Core Banking System(Advertised on 2nd August, 2010, Deadline 30 days)
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
Request_for_Proposal_of_Core_Banking_System_0.pdf99.76 KB 99.76 KB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Request for Proposal of Inward Home Remittance Software
PDF Documents:
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Request for Proposal of Core Banking System
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
Request_for_Proposal_of_Core_Banking_System.pdf99.76 KB 99.76 KB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Flexible Murabaha Payment schedule version (June 2015)
PDF Documents:
EXCEL Documents:
Attachment Size
Murabaha- Jun 20152.xlsx1.25 MB 1.25 MB
Title: IFAS 2 ver 1-3-2015
PDF Documents:
EXCEL Documents:
Attachment Size
IFAS 2 ver 1-3-2015.xlsx1.95 MB 1.95 MB
Title: IFAS 2 ver 1-3-2015 (for Regeneration of Previous Schedule)
PDF Documents:
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Form M9 - Payment By Customer- Waiver in Favour of Bank
PDF Documents:
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Form M8 - Explanation for Receipts Not in Name of BOK
PDF Documents:
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Form M7- Asset Verification Purchased For Bank Under Any Financing
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
Form M 7.pdf9.38 KB 9.38 KB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Form M6 - Customer's reply on late payment
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
M-6.pdf20.78 KB 20.78 KB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Form M5 - Letter to Customer about Late Payment
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
M-5.pdf133.57 KB 133.57 KB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Form M4 - Exp for Difference in date of receipt and date of Declaration
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Form M3 - Exp for Difference in order Form-Disbursed Amount and receipts
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Shariah Form M2 - Exp for Agency & Direct payment to customer
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
Form M2.pdf6.29 KB 6.29 KB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Form M-1 Murabaha Procedure For Customer
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
Form M-1 Murabaha Procedure For Customer.pdf301.54 KB 301.54 KB
EXCEL Documents:

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