
Title: IT Data Center Collocation Disaster Recovery (DR) Site Karachi
PDF Documents:
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Tender Notice- Procurement of Cash Trays
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
Technical specification of cash trays.pdf76.17 KB 76.17 KB
Bidding Document cash trays.pdf93.29 KB 93.29 KB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Bid Document- Tablet Devices for biometric verification
PDF Documents:
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Invitation to Bids- Disposal of Generators
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
Disposal of Generators 2018.pdf80.8 KB 80.8 KB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Bid Document-Promotional items 2019
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
Bidding Document promotional items_0.pdf115.37 KB 115.37 KB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Announcement
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
Technical Evaluation- Tape Library.pdf43.08 KB 43.08 KB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Anouncement- Maintenance of I.T Data Center
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
Maintenance of IT Data center.pdf46.97 KB 46.97 KB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Announcement
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
Implementation of IFRS-9.pdf157.28 KB 157.28 KB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Calculator for Premature Encashment of Certificates Version G-6 1 18( Rates Updated Sept 18)
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
TENDER NOTICE-Hiring of Horticulture firm.pdf48.2 KB 48.2 KB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Calculator for Premature Encashment of Certificates Version G-6 1 18( Rates Updated Sept 18)
PDF Documents:
EXCEL Documents:
Attachment Size
Version G-6 1 18( Rates Updated Sep 18).xlsx5.52 MB 5.52 MB
Title: Bidding Document Procurement Software
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
Bidding Document Procurement Software.pdf93.93 KB 93.93 KB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Bidding Document IFRS-9
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
Bidding Document IFRS-9.pdf63.95 KB 63.95 KB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Announcement
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
IFRS- 9.pdf287.17 KB 287.17 KB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Revised Bid Document- UPS Maintenance Contract & Heavy Duty Laser Printers
PDF Documents:
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Announcement EPM
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
Announcement Enterprise Project Management.pdf88.13 KB 88.13 KB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Announcement
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
Announcement Network Switching Equipment.pdf86.66 KB 86.66 KB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Bid Document- UPS Maintenance and Heavy Duty Laser Jet Printer
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
UPS Maintenance Contract and Laserjet printer.pdf194.19 KB 194.19 KB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Revised RFP Core Banking System
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
RFP-CBS (Revised).pdf1.22 MB 1.22 MB
EXCEL Documents:
Attachment Size
Annexure-B- Final.xlsx207.34 KB 207.34 KB
Title: Calculator for Premature Encashment of Certificates Version G-6 1 18( Rates Updated Aug 18)
PDF Documents:
EXCEL Documents:
Attachment Size
Version G-6 1 18( Rates Updated Aug 18).xlsx5.52 MB 5.52 MB
EXCEL Documents:

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