
Title: Bidding Document EOI Digital Payment System
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
Bidding Document EOI Digital Payment System.pdf438.26 KB 438.26 KB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Calculator for Premature Encashment of Certificates Version G-6 1 18( Rates Updated April 19)
PDF Documents:
EXCEL Documents:
Attachment Size
Version G-6 1 18( Rates Updated April 19).xlsx5.53 MB 5.53 MB
Title: Bidding Document I.T Data Center
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
Bidding Document for IT Data Center.pdf1.23 MB 1.23 MB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Bidding Document: Renewal and Maintenance Support of Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business-Advance
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
Bidding Document regarding Kaspersky.pdf852.49 KB 852.49 KB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Technical Stage Announcement, Pay Continuity Plan
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
Tender Annoucement.pdf506.99 KB 506.99 KB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Expression of Interest: STP with PRISM RTGS
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
EOI STP with PRISM RTGS.pdf438.6 KB 438.6 KB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Announcement: Takaful Services
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
Announcement of Family Takaful Services.pdf417.96 KB 417.96 KB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Bidding Document: Hiring of Security Agency
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
Bidding Document HIRING OF SECURITY AGENCY_0.pdf660.71 KB 660.71 KB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Bidding Document: Hiring of Security Agency
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
Bidding Document HIRING OF SECURITY AGENCY.pdf660.71 KB 660.71 KB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Invitation to Bids: LED TV
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
Bid Document (LED 2019).pdf391.54 KB 391.54 KB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Announcement: Cancellation of Tender (Security Agency)
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
Announcement.pdf335.03 KB 335.03 KB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Technical Evaluation Report: Construction & Renovation of BOK Branches and Offices
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Announcement Procurement Software
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
Procurement Software Annoucement.pdf478.66 KB 478.66 KB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Application & Guarantor's verification form of Insaf Rozgar Scheme
PDF Documents:
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Tender Notice- I.T Equipment
PDF Documents:
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Re Tender: Pay Continuity Plan
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
Bid Document (Staff Pay Continuity Plan)_0.pdf103.72 KB 103.72 KB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Calculator for Premature Encashment of Certificates Version G-6 1 18( Rates Updated March 19)
PDF Documents:
EXCEL Documents:
Attachment Size
Version-G-6-1-18(Rates-Updated-March-19).xlsx5.53 MB 5.53 MB
Title: Announcement: Purchase of Steel Items
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
Annoucement Steel Items.pdf730.82 KB 730.82 KB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: RFP-Launch of Micro Finance Business
PDF Documents:
Attachment Size
RFP Document_Launch of Micro Finance Business.pdf143.61 KB 143.61 KB
EXCEL Documents:
Title: Invitation to Bids- Disposal of Generators
PDF Documents:
EXCEL Documents:

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