Title: INVITATION TO BIDS - Passenger and Cargo Lift (BoK Lahore)
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Title: TORs for BOK Web Site Designing, Development & Maintenance
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Title: TORs for BOK Branches Signage & ATM Booths
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Title: Application Form For Agriculture Loan (Upto 1.00 Million)
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Title: Tender/Pre Bid Document Safety Tool Kit & First Aid Box
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Title: Application form for Agriculture Financing (Above Rs. 1.00 M)
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Title: TORs For RFP For Health/Life Insurance
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Title: Tender/Pre-Bid Document (Vantage Point)
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Title: Elevation Diagram and 3d Sketches of Ventage Point .pdf
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Title: PABX System Features
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Title: Tender/Pre-Bid Document (PABX System)
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Title: Tender Advertisement of Annual Oracle DB SE2 Support/Maintenance & Payment Card Security Policy Consultancy Services
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Title: BOQ For Training Center Furniture
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Title: Tender For Purchase Of Profit & Loss Distribution and Pool Management Software
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Title: Tender/Pre Bid Document (Steel Items)
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Title: Tender/Pre Bid Document (Furniture Items)
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Title: Tender/Pre-BID Document For Training Center Furniture
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Title: Tender Document For Courier-Dispatch Companies
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Title: Tender for Printing BOK Annual Report (Black n’ White Copies)
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Title: Code of Conduct for BOK Directors
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